Friday, December 7, 2007

Thomson's Violin Promt

Thomson’s Violin

One day, you wake up in hospital. In the nearby bed lies a world famous violinist who is connected to you with various tubes and machines.

To your horror, you discover that you have been kidnapped by the Music Appreciation Society. Aware of the maestro’s impending death, they hooked you up to the violinist.

If you stay in the hospital bed, connected to the violinist, he will be totally cured in nine months. You are unlikely to suffer harm. No one else can save him. Do you have an obligation to stay connected?

That's tough to think about, I would have to say that if someone was counting on me, it sounds like I wouldn't have a choice if it was a life and death manner. I wouldn't really want to but, I would do it, I would get connected to him since it was a matter of the violinist's life and death. I would ask many questions first, and since this is modern day society, I would ask that a contract be written up as well as the exact statistics and percentage of the violinist getting better as a result of my assistance. Not to sound selfish, but, my time means alot to me and so does my character. I don't know if I have nine months to spare. Its like saying, give up your life for someone else or at least almost a year of your time. Now I understand that that is basically what guys in the military do while on deployment, but, when it all comes down to it and I come to wonder, Am I this selfish that I cannot go save another human being? Especially one who is in dire need of my help? What would I do lying in a bed for nine months? Can I deal with a needle in my arm that long? or machines? Would it bring back flashbacks of when I was held in the N ICU as a baby for three months hooked up to machines and monitors and getting my blood taken every hour as well as my extremities poked with sharp needles and having scars 17 years later as a result? Would I really want to do that for nine months? Would I really be willing to go through that excruciating agony? Or would I let a poor man suffer and die?

Now, my morals and ethical character as well as how I was raised is so unbelievably strong and important. That yes, I believe that another person's life is worth saving. Everything happens for a reason and if all else fails to justify my reasoning. Maybe I can learn violin or make a life long friend.