1. intrepid - adj. - characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance
Intrepid represents fearlessness and fortitude, as well as endurance. I saw this picture that was taken at a Portland fair at the Marine booth. I'm informed by a friend of mine that in Portland, the Marines go all out with their booths and I saw this small female doing pull ups and she is a petite woman, smaller then me, but she appeared to be kicking ass. So much, so, that if you looked closly, her fellow marines looked like they were just taken back in their manly way. She is the definition of intrepid.

2. trepidation - n. -a tremulous motion
3. despondent - adj. - feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression

This is a picture of a baseball player when they lost the game. More specifically it was for the Boston Red sox as they began to lose. The baseball player became more and more despondant. As he began to realize that it was too late in the game for them to win. His heart sunk.
4. decorum - n. - propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance
This woman shows ultimate class to me. Although she is a model she still looks presentable, professional, and nice :)
This same definition is apparent in the picture beside it.
5. aspire - v. - to seek to attain or accomplish a particular goal
6. vacillate - v. - to waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses
7. desultory - adj. - marked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose
Deceptive lies and apperance describe the Bush Administration and their dark plans in perfect portrayal of them and their actions.
9. formidable - adj. - causing fear, dread, or apprehension
10. heritage - n. - something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor
Guru is a word intionally derived from Hinduism, meaning an advisor on spirtual matters, one who advises over spiritual concerns. This is a picture of a real Hindu guru, and I thought that he was particularly inspiring because I looked at him and smiled. I FELT wisdom.
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