Fly naked on nudist holiday flight
2 hours, 49 minutes ago
German nudists will be able to start their holidays early by stripping off on the plane if they take up a new offer from an eastern German travel firm.
Travel agency said it would start taking bookings from Friday for a trial nudist day trip from the eastern German town of Erfurt to the popular Baltic Sea resort of Usedom, planned for July 5 and costing 499 euros ($735).
"It's expensive, I know," managing director Enrico Hess told Reuters by phone. "It's because the plane's very small. There's no real reason why a flight in which one flies naked should be more expensive than any other."
The 55 passengers will have to remain clothed until they board, and dress before disembarking, said Hess. The crew will remain clothed throughout the flight for safety reasons.
"I wish I could say we thought of it ourselves but the idea came from a customer," Hess told Reuters by phone. "It's an unusual gap in the market."
Naturism, or "free body culture" (FKK) as it is known in Germany, was banned by the Nazis but blossomed again after the Second World War, particularly in eastern Germany.
"There are FKK hotels where you can go into the restaurants and shops naked, for example," Hess said. "For FKK fans -- not that I'm one of them -- it's nothing unusual."
"I don't want people to get the wrong idea. It's not that we're starting a swinger club in mid-air or something like that," he added. "We're a perfectly normal holiday company."
(Reporting by Georgina Prodhan, editing by Paul Casciato)
This article shows how they say that $735 is alot of money. That is like nothing in the US for a trip. It shows freedom of expression but, I worry that the flight would be unsanitary especially involving pubes, closed spaces and heat. Eww. But, I guess it would be to each his own if the person involved in the flight is a nudist. What makes me entertained is that I imagine a bunch of people running for the plane and as soon as they reach the inside cabin, guys struggle to throw off their ties and everyone just throws off their clothes in a fit of nudism. Like "Oh! Thank God!!! No More Clothes!!! AWWWWW" Sigh... and then they sit down and enjoy their flight. lol
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Current Event Article - Nudist Holiday Flight 1/29/08
Posted by
9:03 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Current Event - Jan 23,2008
"Pet" girl kicked off bus for wearing leash
Wed Jan 23, 1:24 PM ET
A British bus company has apologized to a girl who is led around on a leash by her boyfriend and describes herself as a human pet after one of its drivers threw her off a bus.
Tasha Maltby, 19, told British newspapers she was the "pet" of her 25-year-old fiance Dani Graves.
Pictures showed her dressed in black Gothic-style clothing with silver buckles on a silver chain -- which the driver of a bus from the firm Arriva took exception to.
She told the Daily Mail newspaper Wednesday she was thrown off and told: "We don't let freaks and dogs like you on."
Arriva would not comment on specifics but said it apologized if the couple felt they had been discriminated against. It added, however, that the driver was worried about safety and the company told Maltby to take the leash off in the future.
"We have spoken to the driver who has talked about health and safety," a spokesman said. "Should she be attached to a chain and something happens on the bus, that could be dangerous. All we are saying is that she is very welcome to use the buses but not when she is on her lead."
Maltby -- who lives on state benefits and got engaged in November -- said her choice of lifestyle might seem unusual but was harmless.
"I am a pet," she told the Daily Mail. "I generally act animal-like and I lead a really easy life. I don't cook or clean and I don't go anywhere without Dani. It might seem strange but it makes us both happy. It's my culture and my choice. It isn't hurting anyone."
(Editing by Michael Winfrey)
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So, I read this story and it piqued my interest. Givin it is an odd story, but, deserves attention none the less. Especially in Hillcrest lol.
I would have much rather done the current event on Heath Ledger, but since there is an investigation going on and the details all confusing I chaged topics. I like this one because it is about mistakes, odd habits, odd people and the right to be who you are in a public atmosphere... even if it is ridiculously weird. (No judgements or naming names though. *Cough *Cough)
Posted by
9:27 PM
Vocabulary WEEK 1 Second Semester

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3:31 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Reflection on movie - "Why We Fight"
Why We Fight - Reflection
What you like and don't like. Eisonhower warned against the rise of the "Military industrial complex". Did his warning come true?
Think about the anatomy of the American War Machine and include any questions/comments you may have.
Blowback - CIA term - the unintended consequences of foreign relations that were deliberatly kept secret so that forensic questions were unable to be analyzed.
Important fact to consider: They kept replaying the 9/11 towers fall over and over and over again. To possibly desenstitize people?
"We had the world behind us, now kids are dying, billions are being spent every month, anamosity is against the US more then it ever has been."
"The opportunity to implement plans that they had ben laying since 1992"
September 11th was what changed foreign policy.
The war in iraq, had nothing to do with the war on terrorism.
March 19 - US steath fighter ordered to do a preumtive strike on Southern Baghdad
"Maintain Dominance"
Why are we fighting that is a great question especially, now, where it is very controversial and the answers are not clear. As I ponder this, perhaps I will ask my friend Grifin, a CPL in the Marine Corps. who was just deployed 4 days ago. perhaps it would make for a very interesting letter.
Posted by
11:04 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Mexican boy glues self to bed to avoid school
Mon Jan 7, 5:23 PM ET
A 10-year-old Mexican boy glued his hand to his bed to avoid going back to school after the Christmas break, authorities said Monday.
"I thought if I was glued to the bed, they couldn't make me go to school," the boy, Diego, told AFP. "I didn't want to go, the holidays were so much fun."
"I remembered my mom had bought a very strong glue," he said of the industrial strength shoe glue he used to stick his hand to the bed's metal headboard, where he stayed stuck for two hours.
His mother Sandra Palacios was unable to free him and called paramedics and police to help. Diego watched cartoons while they worked to unglue him, eventually using a spray to dissolve the chemical adhesive.
"I don't know why this happened. He is a very good boy," said his mother.
Diego eventually made it school a few hours late.
Copyright © 2008 Agence France Presse. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AFP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of Agence France Presse.
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Posted by
9:37 PM
About George Washington
"Far more than most persons, he deliberately crafted his character, fiercely determined from his youth to reach the highest places and yet be one who "always walked on a straight line." He had faults or weaknesses even so. He tended to be almost morbidly concerned for his "honor," i.e., his reputation, and his standing in society, and hence was overly sensitive to criticism. As he aged, he grew more suspicious of others and at times self-righteous and stuffy. A strong, inborn shyness, surprising in so public a figure, led him to set a distance in relations with others or assume an air of reserve which many interpreted as coldness. Even those who knew him well agreed that he contained some mysterious inner space. He had a keen nose for money and liked living in style. Though generous in private life, he could be a hard man in a business deal. Left to himself, he tended to fall into moodiness, for which his remedy was physical activity and good company: he and Martha entertained dinner guests daily for years at a stretch. He was no prude and had a sense of humor, but he did not sparkle as a wit nor shine as a public speaker. He read to learn what he needed to know—mostly military and agricultural manuals—not especially to enrich his mind. He was intelligent, more so than he thought he was, but lacked the brilliance of a Jefferson or Madison. His meager formal education had left him without a rounded high culture, which embarrassed him and contributed to his reserve. And he had to spend psychic energy to control his temper; his rages, though rare, were terrible, and he could swear up a storm. "
Source Citation:
"Washington, George (1732-1799)." DISCovering Biography. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. HIGH TECH CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL. 8 Jan. 2008
George Washington was a unique man renouned for his peacemaking and conflict resolution skills. He was known for many things, careful deliberation amongst many things was his fortay. He listened carefully thought for a while before making the fairist most benificial decisions and deliberations alone whenever possible. John Adams, said this of Washington "He seeks information from all quarters and judges more independently than any man I ever knew." Having finally made his decision, he was totally committed, swift, and tenacious in execution, sometimes at the expense of flexibility. He liked his corn biscuits, he was a meat and potatoes type of man and he enjoyed entertaining guests at his home Mount Vernon in Vermont with his wife Martha at home nearly everyday of his life. He was a complex man who waged many a war, was the first leader of the military. So much so that he was later named the General of The Military. He was at one point asked if he wanted to be a president for a third consecutive term but, refused because he felt that if he did accept the offer, that it would be too similar to a dictatorship and he wanted a true democracy, fair and balanced. He was also a Mason and belonged to the organization of Freemasonary. He freed his slaves during his lifetime, and was an introverted man that had a strategeic military abilities that gave him a skills of accuratly judging a mans true character and working with it so that he could deal with them and relate to them in a war setting as well as diplomatically handlung disputes when dealing with politicians and the men that worked on the Amendments and The Constitution.
ADD MORE!!!! ON 1/08/08
Posted by
9:33 AM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Ok, so I tryed to my blog all winter break, but had a very hard time, and was never able to get in which pissed me off big time. So please don't mark me down for what appears to be late. It is not. I tryed all two weeks to post this.
I wrote my book report on a book I read called "Twilight" about a girl in a small town who meets a vampire and they have an ellicient affair as they discover each other and the quirks that the vampire andrew has as a vampire. Things get odd and difficult as andrew theh vampire has to protect the girl from harm and evil vampires that are out to eat her. It is quite interesting and the details of vampires fascinated me as I read this book. It is a juicy read NOT A ROMANCE NOVEL. However, I plan on reading the second one is this three part trilogy as I find out that I see love conquers all in this bizarre story of a quest for an opposite attract type of love as a cold, irresistable vampire bites his tongue in order not to eat his girlfriend. Fun stuff... :)
Posted by
4:10 PM