Prosecutor says S.C. student to face WMD charge
By SEANNA ADCOX, Associated Press Writer1 hour, 45 minutes ago
An 18-year-old accused of planning to bomb his high school will be charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, which carries a possible life sentence, the top federal prosecutor in South Carolina said Tuesday.
Ryan Schallenberger also will face two lesser federal charges stemming from what authorities say was a scheme to detonate explosives in a suicide attack on his high school in the small town of Chesterfield. The straight-A student will be charged in federal court in Florence on Tuesday afternoon, said Kevin McDonald, the acting U.S. attorney for South Carolina.
McDonald said the federal charge comes into play mostly because Schallenberger ordered materials that can be used for bombs through the mail.
William Spencer, the teen's court-appointed attorney, did not immediately return a message seeking comment.
Schallenberger was arrested on state charges Saturday. Authorities say his parents called police because he had ordered 10 pounds of ammonium nitrate, which they retrieved after getting a delivery notice from the postal service. Ammonium nitrate is a fertilizer that was a component in the deadly 1995 Oklahoma City bombing.
Authorities have said Schallenberger could have assembled deadly bombs within minutes with the materials they found. Police said they also discovered bombing plans including a hand-drawn map of the school, a hate-filled journal lauding the Columbine killers and an audiotape that authorities say was to have been played after Schallenberger died.
Schallenberger has been charged by the state with making a bomb threat, and county prosecutor Jay Hodge planned Tuesday to charge him with possession of bomb-making materials.
Schallenberger was to appear in a Chesterfield courtroom Tuesday afternoon for a bond hearing during which state prosecutors said they planned to request that he undergo a mental evaluation. He was to be taken to federal court later in the day.
McDonald said the federal charges will be resolved before the state case.
Authorities said Schallenberger's journal did not specify targets of an attack, or a date that he planned to carry it out. Police Chief Randall Lear said Schallenberger was "just mad at the world."
Schallenberger's mother and stepfather, Laurie and John Sittley, are "heartbroken," according to Sheriff Sam Parker.
"They were very concerned about his future education. I kind of explained to them and told them we've got to deal with two options here, we've got to deal with his education or with his life," Parker told ABC's "Good Morning America" on Tuesday.
The Sittleys have not commented publicly on the case. Their phone number is unlisted, they did not attend a court hearing Monday and their home about 10 miles from the school was blocked by "No Trespassing" signs later that day.
McDonald said Schallenberger will be charged with federal counts of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, attempting to use explosives on a building that gets federal funding, and using interstate commerce to obtain explosives to be used against people and property.
Authorities have said Schallenberger bought the ammonium nitrate off eBay and that company said it's cooperating in the investigation.
Chesterfield is a town of about 1,500 people in northeastern South Carolina near the North Carolina line.
Associated Press writer Meg Kinnard in Columbia contributed to this report.
Ok, first off he was stupid to get caught. Second, HIS PARENTS CAUGHT HIM!!! I support the right to do what you want and be a patriot or Benedict Arnold. More power to you if you succeed in your endeaveors. But, he was stupid enough to order it from the internet, he didn't have a valid reason, he was gpot by his parents, he trusted mail carriors and the United Postal Service and eventually, the Media was notified and it became a widespread story. What the Hell! At least do it right! This was executed so poorly that it is almost a comedic, laughable situation. What is a terrorist anyway or WMD charges? The US is paranoid and I think it is like modern version of the salem witch trials, this is getting out of hand. As in, YOUR A TERRORIST! YOUR A TERRORIST! In 1692, it was YOUR A WITCH!! YOUR A WITCH!! tHIS IS MODERN PANDOMONIUM, I DON'T EVEN THINK THAT THE GOVERNMENT HAS VALID REASONS OR CLUES AS TO WHO REALLY IS A TERRORIST. BECAUSE I BELEIEVE THE REAL THREAT OF A TERRORIST, ARE THOSE THAT DON'T FIT THE "STANDARD PROFILE". OR ARE UNPREDICABLE AND CLEVER.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Week 11
Posted by
2:25 PM
Current Event Week 7
World Food Program warns of 'silent tsunami' of hunger
By DAVID STRINGER, Associated Press Writer 17 minutes ago
Ration cards. Genetically modified crops. The end of pile-it-high, sell-it-cheap supermarkets.
These possible solutions to the first global food crisis since World War II — which the World Food Program says already threatens 20 million of the poorest children — are complex and controversial. And they may not even solve the problem as demand continues to soar.
A "silent tsunami" of hunger is sweeping the world's most desperate nations, said Josette Sheeran, the WFP's executive director, speaking Tuesday at a London summit on the crisis.
The skyrocketing cost of food staples, stoked by rising fuel prices, unpredictable weather and demand from India and China, has already sparked sometimes violent protests across the Caribbean, Africa and Asia.
The price of rice has more than doubled in the last five weeks, she said. The World Bank estimates food prices have risen by 83 percent in three years.
"What we are seeing now is affecting more people on every continent," Sheeran told a news conference.
Hosting talks with Sheeran, lawmakers and experts, British Prime Gordon Brown said the spiraling prices threaten to plunge millions back into poverty and reverse progress on alleviating misery in the developing world.
"Tackling hunger is a moral challenge to each of us and it is also a threat to the political and economic stability of nations," Brown said.
Malaysia's embattled prime minister is already under pressure over the price increases and has launched a major rice-growing project. Indonesia's government needed to revise its annual budget to respond.
Unrest over the food crisis has led to deaths in Cameroon and Haiti, cost Haitian Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis his job, and caused hungry textile workers to clash with police in Bangladesh.
Former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said more protests in other developing nations appear likely. "We are going through a very serious crisis and we are going to see lots of food strikes and demonstrations," Annan told reporters in Geneva.
At streetside restaurants in Lome, Togo, even the traditional balls of corn meal or corn dough served with vegetable soup are shrinking. Once as big as a boxer's fist, the dumplings are now the size of a tennis ball — but cost twice as much.
In Yaounde, Cameroon, civil servant Samuel Ebwelle, 51, said he fears food prices will rise further.
"We are getting to the worst period of our life," he said. "We've had to reduce the number of meals we take a day from three to two. Breakfast no longer exists on our menu."
Even if her call for $500 million in emergency funding is met, food aid programs — including work to feed 20 million poor children — will be hit this year, Sheeran said.
President Bush has released $200 million in urgent aid. Britain pledged an immediate $59.7 million on Tuesday.
Even so, school feeding projects in Kenya and Cambodia have been scaled back and food aid has been cut in half in Tajikistan, Sheeran said.
Yet while angry street protesters call for immediate action, long term solutions are likely to be slow, costly and complicated, experts warn.
And evolving diets among burgeoning middle classes in India and China will help double the demand for food — particularly grain intensive meat and dairy products — by 2030, the World Bank says.
Robert Zoellick, the bank's head, claims as many as 100 million people could be forced deeper into poverty. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said rising food costs threaten to cancel strides made toward the goal of cutting world poverty in half by 2015.
"Now is not too soon to be thinking about the longer-term solutions," said Alex Evans, a former adviser to Britain's Environment Secretary Hilary Benn.
He said world leaders must help increase food production, rethink their push on biofuels — which many blame for pushing up food prices — and consider anew the once taboo topic of growing genetically modified crops.
But Evans, now a visiting fellow at New York University's Center on International Cooperation, said increasing the amount of land that can be farmed in the developing world will be arduous.
"It's almost like new oil or gas fields; they'll tend to be the hardest to reach places, that need new roads and new infrastructure to be viable," he said.
The will to increase food production exists, as does most of the necessary skills, but there are major obstacles, including a lack of government investment in agriculture and — in Africa particularly — a scarcity of fertilizers, good irrigation and access to markets.
"Many African farmers are very entrepreneurial, but they simply aren't connected to markets," said Lawrence Haddad, an economist and director of Britain's Institute of Development Studies. "They find there are no chilling plants for milk and no grinding mills for coffee."
Haddad said the likely impact of food price increases should have been anticipated. "The fact no one has previously made the link between agriculture and poverty is quite incredible," he said.
Just as new land for farming is available in Russia and Brazil, new genetically modified crops resistant to drought, or which deliver additional nutrients, could be better targeted to different regions of the developing world, Evans said. "The solutions are more nuanced than we previously thought," he added.
Sheeran said developing world governments, particularly in Africa, will need to dedicate at least 10 percent of future budgets to agriculture to boost global production.
Some experts predict other countries could follow the example of Pakistan, which has revived the use of ration cards for subsidized wheat.
The production of biofuels also needs to be urgently re-examined, Brown said.
He acknowledged that Britain this month introduced targets aimed at producing 5 percent of transport fuel from biofuels by 2010, but said his government and others should review their policies.
Production of biofuel leads to the destruction of forests and takes up land available to grow crops for food.
Brown said the impact of the food crisis won't just be felt in the developing world, but also in the checkout lane of Western supermarkets. "It it is not surprising that we see our shopping bills go up," Brown said.
Many analysts, including Britain's opposition leader David Cameron, claim that people in the West will need to eat less meat — and consume, or waste, less food in general. Some expect the shift in attitudes to herald the end of supermarket giveaways and cost-cutting grocery stores that stack goods to the ceiling and sell in bulk.
Citizens in the West, China and India must realize that the meat on their plate and biofuels in their expensive cars carry a cost for those in the developing world, Evans said.
Sheeran believes many already understand the impact. "Much of the world is waking up to the fact that food does not spontaneously appear on grocery store shelves," she said.
Famine is an intrigingly serious issue, often talked aqbout, but, never actually stopped. With all the donation going around, I would just figure that there would be problems settled. The issues stated by this article, do not need to be regurgitated by me, however, I feel this article pretty much sums it all up and in the end will lead to our demise as much of the World is very selfish and we often take things for granted. Hopefully, the many people who read about the world's growing problems in this article especially the overall message about food not growing in grocerie stores, will wake them up to better use of money, resources, and food.
If not this may add up in 2012...
Only time will tell...
Posted by
2:15 PM
Current Event Week 6
Video surfaces of man stuck in elevator for 41 hours
Mon Apr 21, 12:56 PM ET
A time-lapse video of a man trapped in an elevator for 41 hours has become something of an Internet sensation after surveillance camera footage emerged after nearly a decade.
"After a certain period of time I knew that I was in pretty big trouble because it was the weekend," Nicholas White said Monday on ABC-TV's "Good Morning America."
Video of his Oct. 15, 1999, ordeal in an elevator in New York's McGraw-Hill building was posted online to accompany an article in the April 21 edition of The New Yorker. It can be seen on the magazine's Web site and had been viewed more than 280,000 times on YouTube by Monday morning.
White said he understood why the video has captured people's attention: So many have wondered what they would do if it happened to them.
Edited to a soundtrack of classical piano music, the video shows him pacing, trying to climb the walls, lying down, curled up in a fetal position, prying apart the doors. (He said he relieved himself down the shaft when the doors were open.)
White sued the managers of the midtown skycraper and the elevator maintenance company and won an undisclosed settlement.
He was a production manager for Business Week when he left his office about 11 p.m. Friday for a cigarette break. According to the article, it was never determined exactly why the elevator stalled though there was talk of a voltage dip.
This is just quite unfortunate, not funny. Although many on youtube believe it is. I think if any, he would have found God and this would have been the longest 41 hours in my life if I was stuck in an elevater with nothing to do. That would really be unfortunatly tramatic I would guess. It affects us all, because it can happen to all of us, anytime. The thing is he got stuck at 11 pm on a Friday and he had to be there the whole time while the weekend just rolled on by. That would just be terribly boring in my opinion. He originonally went out for a smoke break but, the cause of the stall of the elevater is still unknown.
Posted by
2:01 PM
Current Event Week 5
Louisiana panel blocks anti-droopy pants bill
By DOUG SIMPSON, Associated Press WriterTue Apr 22, 1:31 PM ET
A state Senate panel rejected a bill on Tuesday that would make it a crime to wear one's pants too low, even as Cajun-country towns around Louisiana have been banning saggy pants from their streets.
Sen. Derrick Shepherd's bill would have made it illegal to wear, in public, clothing that "intentionally exposes undergarments or intentionally exposes any portion of the pubic hair, cleft of the buttocks or genitals." Violators would have faced a fine of up to $175 and eight days of community service.
Exceptions included thong swim suits and clothing worn in fashion shows.
Sen. Yvonne Dorsey said she disliked the look of baggy pants but wanted to defend the public's right to wear their clothes as they wish.
"When we begin to take the freedom of speech away ... I think we're doing something that's just not right," said Dorsey, a Democrat.
Shepherd said the state should take a stand against droopy pants, which he called just one example of widespread indecency in contemporary clothing styles.
"The shorts are getting shorter, the tops are getting smaller, the cleavage is getting larger," said Shepherd, also a Democrat. "When are we going to say, 'Enough is enough'?"
With no objection, the Senate judiciary panel voted against moving the measure to the floor.
Shepherd tried and failed to pass a similar bill in 2004, but the measure died in the face of opposition from the American Civil Liberties Union.
About a dozen Louisiana towns and cities have enacted or are considering bans on saggy pants.
The style is believed to have started in prisons, where inmates are issued ill-fitting jumpsuits but no belts to prevent hangings and beatings. The look was popularized in gangster rap videos.
On the Net:
Senate Bill 225 can be viewed at
I am one of those that believe in conservative dress. I think that this should have been at least brought to the floor and voted on where there if they felt that it was necessary, could have voted against but, to ban the bill before it was brought sucks. I think that the bill should have been given more time. OK? What more is there to say? This affects everyone because it shows undergarmets, I wish that this law would be inacted in So CAl but, we are so casual about clothes that people here would proabably be up in arms like Lousiana about the right to be free and free speech amongst amendments.
Posted by
1:49 PM
Current Event Week 3
New church holds service in bar to reach new people
Mon Apr 21, 1:24 PM ET
The Country Rock Church drew about 100 people to Sunday night's meeting at the Pub Lounge in Sidney, 35 miles north of Dayton.
The barroom church is an offshoot of Sidney United First Methodist Church, whose head pastor says he's been looking for creative ways to reach people in unconventional places.
The church's Web site for its new branch advertises "Top regional bands, pizza, wings, rowdy fun & a short message."
The Rev. Chris Heckaman says people really seemed to enjoy themselves so he expects the Country Rock Church will meet weekly.
Heckaman's sermon compared staying on the bar's mechanical bull to learning how to get along in life.
On the Net:
Sidney United First Methodist:
I recently read about a church in Ohio that has a Methodist church service located in a bar. In my personal opinion I question this method as I seem to recall learning of a written rule in the bible that says "Thou shalt not sell anything in the house of God." But, I also came across something that stated that everyone is free to worship God in their own ways as in, to each his own way of worship, so long as there was a common belief in God. Anyways, I had a "WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO WHEN CHURCH IS IN A BAR!!?" reaction. However, I realize that there are people, men, that would rather go drink a beer with friends then wake up early for church, so maybe that is a good way to go, and that is their perogative to worship in their own way. Who knows? Its not my place to judge what some people would rather do than, I want to. But, I like the more traditional ways of a rigid church and rythmic patterns of a set pattern in a church, provided that I can make it to an evening church or actually get up on Sundays.
Posted by
1:28 PM
Current Event Week 14
Economic woes compelling teens to be more frugal
Spending slump may be worst since '90s
April 21, 2008
NEW YORK – The souring job market and rising costs of the usual teenage indulgences – a slice of pizza, a drive to the mall, the hottest new jeans – are causing teens to do something they rarely do: be thrifty.
It's a far cry from the freewheeling spending of recent years, when teens splurged on $100 Coach wristlet handbags, $60 Juicy Couture T-shirts and $80 skinny jeans from Abercrombie & Fitch.
Now jobs for teens are less plentiful, and parents who supply the allowances are feeling the economic pinch themselves.
The stalwart retailers of teen apparel, such as Abercrombie and American Eagle Outfitters, are reporting sluggish sales, defying the myth that teen spending is recession-proof: It holds up longer but can eventually fold.
It's even becoming cool to be frugal.
This month,, the teen offshoot of Elle magazine, launched a new video fixture called Self-Made Girl, which shows teens how to make clothes and accessories. The first video offers tips on how to create a prom clutch.
“It's a little tacky in the economic unrest to tote a big logo bag,” said Holly Siegel, the site's senior editor. She said it's no longer about teens “one-upping each other,” but rather where they can get it cheap.
Victoria Bradley, a 16-year-old from Springfield, Mo., said the $80 she earns each month from baby-sitting is being eaten up by more expensive school lunches, late-night snacks with friends and stylish clothes.
Now, she and her friends head for the thrift store or just browse at the mall.
“I used to be able to buy a T-shirt and jeans every couple of months,” Victoria said, adding that some of her friends are even “making their own clothes or altering their old ones to fit or look better.”
Victoria's mother, Michelle Bradley, said she and her husband cut back spending on themselves last year, and early this year also started paring back “frivolous” buying for their three girls.
“We have made a conscious effort to not use credit cards,” said Bradley, who stopped paying for Victoria's text messages last month. The top priority is school supplies and choir fees.
The job market for teens isn't what it used to be, either: Nathan Reeser, a Cincinnati 15-year-old, lost his job making pizza four months ago and has had to cut back on spending. He's shopping more at Target and less at Abercrombie & Fitch's Hollister stores.
“Now, I just get money from my parents, but they don't have as much because of taxes and everything else,” he said.
Teen hiring has slumped by 5 percent since March 2007, with many mom-and-pop stores, which typically hire younger workers, laying off employees. Hiring in the overall job market fell by just 0.1 percent during the same period.
That's still not as bad as the 13 percent drop in teen hiring in the early 1990s. This means that if the larger job market mirrors the last teen hiring slump, “we're not out of the woods,” said Michael Niemira, chief economist at the International Council of Shopping Centers.
Economists say this teen spending slump could be the worst in 17 years, when teen frugality led to the demise of once-hot Merry-Go-Round Enterprises and ushered in an era of flannel shirts and torn jeans.
Last month, teen retailers suffered an 8 percent drop in sales at established stores. The good news is that the under-20 crew is still spending on tech gadgets like iPods, cell phones and headsets, analysts say.
What makes this slump different, Deloitte Research chief economist Carl Steidtmann said, is the soaring cost of basics such food and gas, which have a direct effect on younger consumers.
Gas could reach $4 a gallon this summer, and prices for teen favorites like pizza and potato chips have all climbed, squeezing the amount of cash teens can spend elsewhere.
Sales at teen retailers open at least a year averaged a 0.5 percent decline last year, compared with a 3.3 percent increase in 2006 and a 12.1 percent gain in 2005, according to a UBS-International Council of Shopping Centers tally.
Retailers like American Eagle and Tween Brands, which operates Limited Too, have cut their earnings outlooks amid deeper-than-expected sales declines. Abercrombie & Fitch reported a disappointing 10 percent sales drop in March, while Pacific Sunwear of California announced this year it was shuttering its urban-inspired Demo stores.
Among the few bright spots is Aeropostale, whose jeans are about 30 percent cheaper than Abercrombie & Fitch's. Candace Corlett, principal at consulting firm WSL Strategic Retail, said low-price chains like H&M and Steve & Barry's should do well.
Urban Outfitters, which operates its namesake stores and the Anthropologie brand, has held up well. Trend experts believe that's because it has a thrift-store feel.
Secondhand clothing chains have seen business surge this year as teens and their parents buy popular brands like Gap, Banana Republic and Juicy Couture at a fraction of the regular price.
Kerstin Block, president and co-founder of Buffalo Exchange, a Tucson-based chain that sells secondhand clothing, said Gap jeans there run $9 to $20. A new pair runs $50 to $60. Block noted that buying secondhand is also appealing to a growing eco-friendly sentiment among teenagers.
“It is way cooler to get a super deal on that shirt rather than being able to spend the most money on something,” said Anna D'Agrosa, director of Consumer Insights at The Zandl Group, a market research company focusing on teens. “Kids are becoming really aware of what is happening to their economy and to their families.”
This current event was about the job market for teens and how hard it is to find a job,
I finally found actual statistics on what is going on and why I do not have a job as well as how hard it is to find a well paying job as mom and pop stores no longer higher teens or they are closing down. I'll have to wait over 18 to get a guaranted, well paying job, that doesn't age discriminate or fault me because I am a liability. Finally! Validation!! :D :''''(
Its true...There are no jobs on the market right now :{
Posted by
12:49 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Book Report For MOnday, April 21st
The book I read was called
I Never Called It Rape: The Ms. Report on Recognizing, Fighting, and Surviving Date and Acquaintance Rape by Robin Warshaw
IN addition to my Non Profit Organization I wanted to find out actual statistics and find out why and what to do to help others who had this happen to them. This book was very informative because it gave statistics such as that most men believed that women were leading them on when, in fact, aLL of the women disagreed. Now while this book was written in 1994, so these are pretty old, I just gave or take the percentages. What amazes me was that I read something on the internet recently that stated that in 2006 - the present was that it says that Rape is going DOWN. as in, few to none have been reported. So they claimed that the situations were getting better, that crime was going down. I strongly disagree, I think that date/aquantance rape is ever more prevalent then it was in the 90's or beyond. Because as each year begins more and more methods for date rape are available like more drugs and clever methods. I think that the realty of the 21st century is that fewer and fewer women and girls are reporting their rapes, but that doesn't mean that they didn't happen. I think that they are afraid of reporting it because they don't want to relive it, and they don't want to be in front of a court. Its difficult, and that is why I wanted to get more information on sexual assault, aquantance and date rape. I am going to read more books in the future in regards to this especially since we are working on non profit organizations and myne is Teen Sexual Assault and Rape Peer Help. Overall, I found it very informative. The next book I am going to read is The Truth About Rape (Paperback)by Teresa M. Lauer .
Posted by
3:56 PM
Current Event Friday April 18th
While I had a hard copy print out of my current event. I couldn't find it on the comp. My article was a yahoo printout of a story about a man who proposed to his girlfriend by hacking into her favorite game "Bejewled". He programed it so that when she reached a certain score a ring and Will YOU MARRY ME? would pop up. She did eventually reach the score and said yes. I thought this article was especially pointant for nerds because this was the sweetest proposal that there could be for a techie. and my ex had met someon in the internet on World Of Warcraft so maybe meeting other nerds on the internet will be a common thing in finding romance who knows?
I presented in class, so I know you know I had the article Elica.
<3 Colleen
Posted by
3:46 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
revere -to show devoted deferential honor to : regard as worthy of great honor
Example: I revere the late great Walt Whitman because of his different style of writing.
vertigo -: a sensation of motion in which the individual or the individual's surroundings seem to whirl dizzily b: a dizzy confused state of mind
Example: karen had vertigo the other day when she was on the gondola, she just couldn't find her bearings.
punitive - : inflicting, involving, or aiming at punishment
The nuns resorted not to verbal threats, but intimidation and punative punishments in order to keep the Catholic school kids in line.
slander - to utter slander against
I slandered the name of a coworker at work and therefore was fired henceforth.
squander - to spend extravagantly or foolishly
My brother freaquently squanders his money away, almost as if he has a hole in his pocket.
Posted by
1:12 PM
Monday, April 14, 2008
Vocabulary Week 6
1.)Embezzle-to appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use
Many politicians are being indighted because they embezzed money.
2.) Obsolete- no longer in use or no longer useful
Much of the technology we had 30 years ago are obsolete.
3.) Penchant-a strong and continued inclination
When someone is talking politics I have a strong inclination to mention how corrupt I feel our government is.
4.) Sycophant- a servile self-seeking flatterer
The man was just asking for compliments when he said "Its just because you don't like me, isn't it..?"
5.) Taut- having no give or slack : tightly drawn
Many women in Hollywood obtain fake skin by getting plastic surgery.
Posted by
10:10 AM
Vocabulary Week 5
1.) fidelity - the quality or state of being faithful
2.)steadfast- a: firmly fixed in place : immovable b: not subject to change
The horse remained steadfast, even though all the other horses had ran onto the track.
3.)emanicipation- the act or process of emancipating
President Lincoln freed the slaves by emancipating them.
4.)lucidity-1 : clearness of thought or style 2 : a presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously : clairvoyance
The shy woman had lucidity amongst those around her.
5.) insurrection- an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government
Many liberals commit insurrection against the U.S government.
Posted by
10:07 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Week 3
1.) Disseminate - to disperse throughout
Ex: The woman dispersed the fertilezer throughout her garden.
2.)Eloquence - the quality of forceful or persuasive expressiveness
Ex: The woma looked exemplified eloquence in her black dress and jewels.
3.) Bigot - a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
Ex: The racist man was unable to tolerate Mississippi
4.)Resilience -an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
Ex: Tony Robbins is resilent because he took his misfortune into educating others how to raise themselves ablove misfortune.
Ex: Danny cleaned and repainted the old, decaying, house.
Posted by
2:20 PM
Vocabulary Week 2
1.) Erratic- deviating from what is ordinary or standard
Ex: Colleen's eclectic style tends to be on the erratic side.
2.) Eulogy- a commendatory oration or writing especially in honor of one deceased
3.) Euphoria- a feeling of well-being or elation
Ex: Colleen is always euphoric despite her facial expressions.
4.) Epitome-a typical or ideal example
Ex: That girl is the epitome of class.
5.) Euthanasia- the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy
Ex: If you are defined as a vegetable or brain dead, people consider you unable to make your own decisions, Euthanasia is killing them or disconnecting their machines with or without their consent.
Posted by
1:28 PM